Your baby will need medical care from the healthcare team but most of all, your baby will need you. It’s important that you look after yourself so that you can be there for your baby.
Looking after yourself will help you cope better physically and emotionally while your baby is in the neonatal unit. There’s lots of support available – for example, from family, friends, the healthcare team and of course us here at The Maddie and Noah Foundation – so don’t be afraid to ask for help and support.
It's easy to forget about yourself. But even if you feel as if nothing matters apart from your baby, it's important to make sure you have enough:
rest, this can be quiet rest or active, like going for a walk
baths or showers
fresh clothes
healthy food
fluids to prevent you becoming dehydrated.
Talking about how you feel
Try not to keep your feelings to yourself, feelings of guilt, despair and fear are all normal, if you’re finding it extremely difficult to cope or If you feel that things are getting too much for you, please talk to someone about it. This may be your partner, a close relative or friend or a member of the healthcare team such as the nurse or doctor looking after your baby. The hospital may also be able to offer you specialist support, such as counselling.
Talking to the healthcare team
While your baby is in the baby unit, you and the healthcare team will work together to ensure that your baby gets the comfort and support that they need. Please don't hesitate to ask the healthcare team any questions if you have any concerns, or if any aspects of your baby’s care are not clear to you. The team will be used to supporting families in your situation.